Pinterest Pumpkin Porch Party
What is a pinterest pumpkin porch party you may ask. The most amazing party of all. What you'll need it people, pumpkins, snack and drinks.
There it is, a pumpkin! Who wants to sit a plain old pumpkin on their porch? No one should! A carved pumpkin will just rot and leave a gross stain. So the perfect solution? A finely decorated pumpkin.
Just tie some raffia around the pumpkin stem. Then tie on a bow. I made mine from burlap ribbon. Helpful hint when you get your pumpkin make sure that it sits flat. Nothing worse when you make this beautiful pumpkin only to find out that it rolls onto its side.
Then just a some bling to it. Some flowers or whatever else you want.
After creating these beauties make sure you take some pictures of them. This will be our new tradition. Taking pictures with our fine chalkboard, just like the old school pictures.
There's the Pinterest crew. We get together once a month. The hostess with the mostess ( which was me this round) get to decide the craft. Everyone shows up with requested supplies and we make whatever. Last month we decorated wine glasses. Oh so fancy! Also a requirement is a treat from Pinterest. So a evening full of good food and friends, what else could anyone want?
Stay crafty my friends!