Firefighter Cake

A cake fit for a firefighter. What more could a firefighter want than a cake with their number on it covered in sprinkles??? Pretty much everything.

I started out with two 6 inch rounds that were made out of chocolate. I cut of the top so that they were even, then I just frosted it with some delightful chocolate frosting! Please note that a turn table for frosting cake is a solid investment.

Then I added some white chocolate sixlets to the bottom of the cake, just to dress it up a little. The picture is not very good, sorry. Note to self- get a better camera, learn how to use the camera, take better pictures for blog. After that I just added the numbers and a fire engine Christmas ornament to the top. Then while spinning the turn table ( no techno music involved) shook some sprinkles out. My kitchen is a mess, but so worth it.

I'm just going to say it.. How cute is this? Makes my heart skip a beat, literally I just threw a PVC. Note to self- Go to cardiologist. Well here's to all firefighters ( career or volunteer) THANK YOU!! Meow get out there save lives and in between calls eat some cake!
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