These tiny treats are always hit where ever you take them. As always they are super easy to make. You could also make them into " graduation cake shots, wedding cake shots or just cake shots". For this occasion they are 21st birthday cake shots. Perfect on so many levels.
1 packet of cheesecake pudding
1 tub of whipped topping
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup Rum Chata
1/4 cup cake vodka
Add packet of pudding, milk, rum chata and vodka. Mix like you would for normal pudding. After you mix the pudding add the whipped topping in. Do yourself a favor a sit out the whip topping so that it is soft. This will allow it to mix easier and you won't have frozen clumps of whipped topping. Side bar- you may feel the need to add just a little more alcohol into this mix.. DON'T DO IT.. it will make your pudding very runny. I know this from personal experience ;)
After the pudding is all set up you'll want to place it in small containers. Its easier for people to eat and makes a better presentation. I used 2oz containers ( see picture below). I used a measuring cup to pour it into the containers. I think that if you had a decorating bag or even a zip lock you could pipe it into the cups.
After you have your pudding poured into the cups feel free to add some SPRINKLES.
I found some 4 inch wooden spoons. They are perfectly tiny for perfectly tiny pudding shots. After you get all the wonderful pudding shots put together put them in a box with your spoons. I think that this should count as a side dish. So instead of bringing baked beans next time to the BBQ, bring some pudding shots. I can promise that no one will complain about your contribution.
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